Become an Umpire!
There are many fantastic BENEFITS to becoming an umpire. You will become part of a support network of hundreds of Softball Canada umpires! When you register you become a member of one of the most experienced and well-respected umpire crews in the world.
Personal Benefits:
Earn extra cash – up to $50 per game
Work games based on your schedule
Improve/maintain your fitness level
Meet interesting people
Become a member of a fantastic team
Be involved in one of the most popular sports
Have the chance to travel
Serve as a role model for all currently enjoying softball
Professional Benefits:
Official recognition by Softball Canada as a certified softball official for both fast-pitch and slo-pitch
Access to professionally organized umpire certification clinics. Each clinic includes a focus on rules and proper on-diamond mechanics
Become a member of the “3rd team” on the field, joining fellow umpires of all ages from all over Canada
As you progress, you will be exposed to more challenging games
Umpire development, evaluation programs, and mentoring by experienced umpires who provide helpful advice on how to improve your umpiring skills.
Click here to register for a Clinic
If you have any questions, you can use the form below or contact Jack at